Amita Lee

Graphic Designer with experience in technical  to conceptual design with vast expertise and a proven ability to tackle technical and creative difficulties from concept to completion. 

I find inspirations in everyday things, from coffee steam, to the sunlight casting through my window. From my toes feeling cold under the blanket, to feeling the warmth of the sun on my skin. From the shocked feeling I get from hearing my alarm clock in the morning, to stretching while yawning at night. What words can’t describe; I want to create. I want to show the dimension of consciousness far deeper than thought. How stillness is the only thing in this world that has no form, and how boredom is simply a conditioned energy movement within you. I want to become the master of my own creation and express emotions and thoughts through my work. And hopefully, it’ll resonate with someone or anyone.

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DOC 234—34/2

JUL 2022

This set of 24 x 36 in poster is about boundary and my ever evolving personal relationship with having a boundary. Whether mentally, physically, emotionally, and or spiritually.

I see having personal boundary like an onion sliced in half where the layers are visible to yourself. Where as connection between people like a rubber band, it could stretch right to the point where it snaps or relaxed with no tension at all.

I worked backwards on these two posters where you can see on the right side, it gives the feeling of harmony like planets orbiting and functioning just like it’s supposed to. And I had a deep reflection, looking back where I was before establishing my own relationship with boundary on the left. Feeling stuck, drained, caged, and suffocated.

© 2345—45/42 Lipsum